Gifts received in November of 2019 in honor of (IHO) or in memory of (IMO) are listed below.  If you would like to make a donation in memory or in honor of a loved one or beloved pet, you may do so here.

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Leaving a Legacy

Estate of James M. Ammel
Estate of Thelma W. Taylor

Businesses & Groups

BXS InsuranceIMO Mary Lynn Walker
Chambers Nursing Home CenterIMO Maggie Roach
FTH EnterprisesIMO Nita Brimer
Jabber Walkers (Sidney Sutton)IMO Joe Spradlin, Jr
Jenkins EnterprisesIMO Nita Brimer


Eva AlleyIMO Joe Spradlin, Jr.
Judith AmmonsIHO Bambino
Judith AmmonsIHO Freckles
Kate AskewIMO Jean Brown Ripling
Catherine BarronIHO Gadget
Catherine BarronIHO Crush
Catherine BarronIHO Morticia
Catherine BarronIHO London
Frederick & Susan BelandIMO Wiggins
Mark BennettIMO T-Bone Tuthill
Chris & Debbie BensonIMO Marley
Anne BlacklockIMO Susie Wofford
Linda BlyIMO Roger
George & Mary Ann BrennerIMO Joe Spradlin, Jr.
Elizabeth Burba-CarterIMO Squiggie Mitchell
Jerry & Christina BurchfieldIMO our rescue dogs
Roger & Carolyn CatoIMO Mitchell & KC
Chrissy ChathamIMO Beau Mehdizadegan
Mary CoddingIHO Sue & Archie Senn
Mary CoddingIHO Gail & Steve McArthur
Mary CoddingIHO Pam & Ray Mills
Michael & Tamey CraigIMO Jean Ripling
Mary Elizabeth DebickiIMO Joe Spradlin, Jr.
Phil DivelyIHO Trinity
Phil DivelyIHO Regina
Sharron DossIMO Susie Wofford
Jack Druff & Steve BarnesIMO Grace "Gigi" Countryman
Stephanie & Howard DutyIHO Rosa
Suzanne Rossi GatesIMO Gizmo Rossi
Suzanne Rossi GatesIMO Molly & Olive Nunn
Mary GlancyIHO Ann Rowell
Laura & Allan GoldIHO Liddle Citizen, Grayson, Ginger & Olive
Brenda GriffinIMO Lilly
Sandra & David GriffithIMO Wanda Seay
Neena GrissomIMO Jim Grissom
Tim & Wendy GroomsIMO Dudley Mullenix
Jim, Glen & Buster HaneyIMO Molly
Retha HankinsIMO Jean Brown Ripling
John & Anne HeiselmannIMO Betty Lee Thompson
Helen HittIMO Wanda Hively Seay
David & Betty HivelyIMO Wanda Hively Seay
Dennis & PJ HodgesIMO Rileyann
Dennis & PJ HodgesIMO Salsa
Jamie, Allison, James, Harper & Heidi HoffmanIMO Melvin Mayfield
Arthur Hoyt Jr.IHO Aaron & Leslie Hoyt
Roy & Jane JacksonIMO Gregory Hobby
Beth JamesonIHO Ashli Headley
Keri JonesIMO David Taylor
Cecelia & Drew KelsoIHO Smidge
Kathleen Kennally & Mark HolderIMO Nike
Mark & Ann LangstonIMO Steven Webb
Mary Lynn & John LaningIHO Ann Rowell
Alexis LeidighIHO Shyna
John & Patricia LileIMO Shari Summerlin
Lynn Marie LincolnIMO Opie & Junior
Don LonginoIHO Morgan Hill
Susan MarsdenIHO Susie
Mario & Caroline MastropieriIMO Pooh Bear
Gayle MawhinneyIMO Tom Smith
William & Elizabeth McClanahanIMO Mitch Davis
Hannelore & Patrick McCumberIHO Houdini
Hannelore & Patrick McCumberIHO Rugar
Teresa MedlockIMO Pauline Shaffer
Abtin & Katie MehdizadeganIMO Moses & Tessy Mehdizadegan
Bonnie & William MelchiorIMO Bill Jett
Jessica MilamIHO Ellis
Jill & Robert MillerIHO RC Coburn
Tom MillerIMO Babyblu Fruits
Rita Ann Mitchell-WaldoffIHO Suzi Davis
Billie MoodyIMO Wanda Seay
Linda MosleyIMO Skippy
John & Betty NaborsIMO Chloe
Paula Norris (Ludy, Trish, Janice & Paula)IMO Maegan Stormy Talbert
Bill & Barbara PaddackIHO Lucy
Susan PorbeckIHO Ann Rowell
Brigitte & Clayton PriceIHO Willi Starcke
Douglas & Garnet QuimbyIHO Sable
Emma & Mike RandazzoIHO Ralphie
Emma & Mike RandazzoIHO Charlotte
Emma & Mike RandazzoIHO Rosalita
Deanna Ray, Jennifer Dalton, Cissy Guerra & Jacqueline BouchardIHO Slatex Reagan "Rey" Fisher
Ginny RevereIMO Cosmo King of the Universe
Randy & Michelle ReynoldsIHO Waylon
Rebecca Rice & Cole RobinsonIHO Warrior
Bobby & Linda RingIHO Ann Rowell
Thomas & Marjorie ShowIMO Ruth Henderson
H.L. SlateIHO Honey
Courtney SpeyerIHO Earnie
Brenda StatonIMO Sammy
Tod & Sidney SuttonIMO Joe Spradlin, Jr.
Barbara SweseyIMO Sir Otis Redding
Molly TeeterIHO Katniss
Becky & Walter ThurmanIMO Rusty Long
Betty WattsIMO Debbie Jean Partridge
Linda WelchIHO Mary F. Webb