Quick Links to Ways to Get Involved and Help at HSPC

ADOPT: https://warmhearts.org/adopt/

Donate: https://warmhearts.org/donate/general-donations/

Volunteer in several different ways: https://warmhearts.org/volunteer-opportunities/

Foster: https://warmhearts.org/becoming-a-foster/

Become a Member: https://warmhearts.org/memberships/

Shop at hundreds of stores through iGive. A portion of sales goes to HSPC: https://www.iGive.com/HSPC

Kroger Rewards benefiting HSPC: http://www.kroger.com/account/enrollCommunityRewardsNow (Choose Humane Society of Pulaski County)

Purchase a gift from our shelter wish list on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3xfg4m0 

Join our email list: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/ck2BtwO/hspc

Follow us on Facebook – https://facebook.com/humanesocietypulaskicounty and Instagram – https://instagram.com/hspc.lr.ar

Make a donation “In Memory” or “In Honor” of a person or pet: https://warmhearts.org/memorial-gifts/

Make a donation to purchase a brick in memory or in honor of a person or pet, which will be placed in front of the shelter: https://warmhearts.org/buy-a-brick/

Make a donation through your estate with Planned Giving: https://warmhearts.org/planned-giving/

Would your business like to do a fundraiser to benefit HSPC?: email mailto:julie@warmhearts.org?subject=HSPC Fundraiser

Run a Facebook Birthday Fundraiser: https://www.facebook.com/fund/HumaneSocietyPulaskiCounty/

Bring a donation to the shelter based on our needs: https://warmhearts.org/wish-list/

If you are a Federal employee, you can donate through the Combined Federal Campaign:  HSPC # 53272

Donate your car/RV/boat/ATV/plane: https://warmhearts.org/cash-for-vehicle/

Partner with us in a sponsorship. We have many programs and events for partnership opportunities: mailto:julie@warmhearts.org?subject=HSPC Fundraiser