FAQ in regards to HPSC operations during COVID-19

  1. Can I adopt while you are closed to the public?
    Yes! If you are interested in adopting a dog or cat, we’ve made it as simple and safe as possible.
    a. Visit warmhearts.org/adopt and browse our available dogs and cats and choose the pet you would like to meet/adopt.
    b. Complete the online application (shown on the page above)
    c. Once your application is approved HSPC will reach out via email to schedule an opportunity to meet the pet at the shelter.

2. Is HSPC open?
We are not open to the general public. Phones are not being answered, but messages are being checked throughout the day. Some services, like adoption and surrendering of an animal, are being done by appointment only.

**Please note that we are attempting to do all adoptions outside the shelter building. Anyone who does enter the building is required to wear a mask. No visitors will be allowed to enter the actual kennel areas to browse for pets. You set an appointment for a specific animal. All adoptable animals are online. **

3. Does HSPC need fosters for this crisis?
Right now, we are focused on adoptions so these animals can get into their long-term homes. We will keep you posted if fostering becomes something that we need. If you are interested in fostering in general, you can visit warmhearts.org/becoming-a-foster.

4. Are you still accepting donations?
Monetary donations are appreciated more than ever during this time. We are a private shelter and depend 100% on our community for support. You may donate at warmhearts.org/donate. We are also accepting pet items and supplies at this time. Those donations can be left outside the front doors of the shelter located at 14600 Colonel Glenn Rd. We will be checking regularly. We ask that you hold all other donations for now. We will let you know when we are ready to accept donations other than food and towels.

5. If you are closed, how do I surrender an animal?
First, it’s important to know that we are not in a position to accept all the dogs and cats that people want to bring to us. We are almost always filled to capacity. We are working with other shelters to help them where we can, as well as working with individuals in desperate situations. Secondly, we do not go out and pick up animals, nor do we investigate animal cruelty. We are a private shelter without animal control capabilities. If you do have an animal you’d like to put on our waiting list, you may do so at warmhearts.org/surrender-your-pet. Know that time on our waitlist will be extended as we are not sure when we will be back to normal operations. For additional rescue resources, please visit warmhearts.org/help.

Thank you for your continued support as we do our best to care for the animals at HSPC. Be safe!